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Erasmus Incoming

Regulation regarding the Erasmus programme

Erasmus+ Incoming Coordinator:
Cristina CIRCA (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (FEAA) within the West University of Timisoarahas, at the moment, three Bachelor programmes in foreign languages: Finance and Banking - in English, Accounting and Business information systems – in German and Management - in French. We recommend to the Erasmus students who wish to study at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration to choose courses from these three programmes, because all the other programmes are taught entirely in Romanian.

If the Erasmus students wish to choose courses that are taught in Romanian, they should know the Romanian language (at least level B1). If this is not the case, then choosing a course that is taught in Romanian depends on the availability of the professor to work separately with the student, and on the existence of bibliography in the English language. There might be situations when choosing a course taught in Romanian be conditioned by good mastering of the Romanian language. The assessment methods are established by each one of the professors.

The foreign students who wish to come and study at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, through an Erasmus scholarship, must have at least B1 level of English (writing, speaking, reading), French, German or Romanian.

The estimated starting and ending dates are:

  • October 1st – February 28th, for the first Semester;
  • February 15th – July 10th, for the second Semester;

These dates can vary slightly, depending on the academic structure of the current academic year, approved by the Romanian Ministry of National Education. The Erasmus students who wish to study at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration must take these dates into account, in order to establish the amount of time that they will spend studying here, so that they can attend the courses, exams and, if necessary, reexaminations.

The attendance for courses, exams and, if necessary, reexaminations is mandatory. In the first week from his arrival, the Erasmus student will clarify, together with the representatives of the International Relations Office and the Erasmus Coordinator, the problems regarding the chosen subjects from the Learning Agreement, and the Professors who teach each subject from the Learning Agreement will be named.

The changes to the Learning Agreement can be done during the first four weeks after the beginning of the semester, at the latest. The changes to the Learning Agreement can be done only once during a semester.

The subjects that are taught during the first semester, at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, can only be chosen by students during the first semester of the academic year. The subjects that are taught during the second semester, at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, can only be chosen during the second semester of the academic year.

The optional and facultative subjects, that are not taught during the current academic year, cannot be chosen.

If the Erasmus Incoming student, for objective reasons, must return to the home university before the end of the semester, he/she can request, in writing, to take the exams earlier than the normal session of exams. The written request must be accompanied by the documentary evidence, proving the necessity of their early return. The request must be approved by the dean of the faculty and by the professor who teaches the course. At the end of the study period and after attending all the exams the Erasmus Incoming students must go to the International Relations Office and to the Department of International Relations and fill in all the necessary papers, so that the mobility period at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration is recognized.

We are waiting for you to come and enjoy the experience of being part of the Erasmus programme here, at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration!


“Great experience in a great study environment. A lot of lecturers with many years of teaching experience made the learning process very valuable for each and every student involved. I think UVT/FEAA is a great opportunity for every international student to acquire a great theoretical knowledge in a great cultural and educational context- Timisoara, Romania.”
Mircea Alexandru Ancateu, VIA University College, Denmark
“An important period of my student life. Erasmus is not few months in your life but a life in a few months. Lots of discovery, new cultures, new ways of life...I've friends all over the world now.”
Tailland Solène, Université de Savoie, France
“My experience was really intensive and to discover the Romanian people was very enriching. The experience was too short and I didn't learn so much new skills at the University. Indeed, I had already the same program the last year in France. ESN was really helpful for Erasmus people. Travelling was one of the main activity. Now I'm "connected" to this country and I usually take news.”
Rivaille Lou, Université de Savoie, France
“I enjoyed a lot my stay in Timisoara. University stuff was very helpful with all the formal issues and sometimes even more than that. Most of the subjects I've chosen were well taught. The most of the proffesors speak good english as well. I can frankly reccomend to all students chooseing UVT for their Erasmus.”
Jakub Staniszewski, Poznan University of Economics, Poland
“It was a really good experience. I really enjoy the classes, the teachers were really nice and helpfull. They offer you all the help the can give you, in general they have a good level of english.and the classes are really interactive. It was nice to be part of the class and do project with them.”
Ana Gonzalez-Tejero, Universidad de A Coruña, Spain
“One of the best experiences of my life.”
Gonzalo Lopez Sanchez, Universidad de A Coruña, Spain
“It was a very positive experience for me in particular to the practice of languages as English and Spanish, I think I learned a lot. On a global level it was very positive.”
Duarte Davide Carneiro Oliveira, Instituto Superior da Maia, Portugalia
“It was a good experience and I am very happy to have met many of the professors.”
Manuel Fontande Pazos, Universidad de A Coruña, Spain
“I had a very nıce tıme as an erasmus student there.”
Erild Çepele, İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim Üniversitesi, Turkey
Pablo Rafael Rodríguez Martínez, Universidad de Granada, Spain
"Chers amis étudiants français... je me présente: Grégoire ULTRÉ. Ancien étudiant de master du programme Érasmus, j'ai eu l'occasion de participer au cours de mon séjour aux cours de la filière francophone de la Faculté d'Économie et d'Administration des Affaires (FEAA), à l'Université de l'Ouest de Timisoara (UVT). C'est une excellente formation, qui réunit des étudiants venus de tous les horizons de la Francophonie. Chacun a l'opportunité de participer ou de faire appel à sa créativité. Les enseignements sont d'un bon niveau et son applicable directement à la gestion d'une entreprise. La langue de Molière est employée en cours comme langue maternelle par les uns, comme langue d'étude par les autres. Île de latinité dans un océan slave, la Roumanie s'enrichit d'influences nombreuses. A la fin de la journée, vous pourrez flâner dans les rue de Timisoara, dont le passé austro-hongrois se ressent encore dans l'architecture. Vous ouvrirez grand vos yeux et vos oreilles à l'opéra italien, tchèque ou allemand. Vous apprendrez très vite les mots utiles pour vous faire comprendre au quotidien. Ne l'oubliez pas: le roumain est une langue latine, encore plus proche de nous que ne l'est l'espagnol! Enfin, vous verrez que de nombreux roumains parlent à merveille le français, au moins aussi bien que l'anglais. Dans ce cadre chaleureux et néanmoins studieux, vous ferez ici un nouveau pas vers l'Europe."
Grégoire ULTRÉ, étudiant Erasmus FEAA, année universitaire 2013-2014