FEAA UVT IHRM School 2021
Navigating the Crises of COVID-19:
Human Resource Professionals Battle Against the Pandemic

In 2021 FEAA UVT IHRM School will take place between the 15th and 19th of December 2021 in an online format within the general theme Employability and Talent Management in the Digital Era- Best Practices, special topic: Navigating the Crises of COVID-19: Human Resource Professionals Battle Against the Pandemic.
Battle Against the Pandemic
FEAA UVT IHRM School program will comprise lectures, and workshops touching on the special topic of Human Resource Professionals' Battle Against the Pandemic. The pandemic has been a collective force that has forced a reassessment of working practices.
Innovation and Proactivity
More than ever, innovation and proactivity skills are vital in HR. When the crisis hit HR had to build its own solutions. There was no guidebook, instead, everyone had to think on their feet and quickly. For the industry, this meant holding up a mirror, looking inwards, and questioning the rules and manual upon which it has been built.
Speed of Change
The speed of change and uncertainty call for the type of skill and application only HR professionals can offer. HR not only can navigate businesses through to the calmer waters we can see ahead but also assumes a new role that will continue far beyond the pandemic and determine whether the organisation survives until its next crisis.
New Approaches
A pandemic brings extra baggage and an unrelenting weight on people's everyday lives that would otherwise not exist. HR has been instrumental in catalyzing and expanding new approaches to the support of work-life, particularly as businesses continue to realize that a flexible approach to working is business-critical and will need to be embedded in the long term.

The curriculum
The curriculum addresses special issues and practical aspects of Leadership and IHRM to offer a comprehensive image of the current HRM challenges posed by the impact of the pandemic crises COVID-19 on the world of work.
This edition will focus on the elements of employability and leadership within a framework that uses concrete examples, real language, and an eye toward current application.
Lecture classLeadership in crisis period
Lecture classCommunication in organizations în crisis period
Lecture classThe real needs for actual world of work
Lecture classHR dashboards-the applicability in hr processes
Lecture classUniversity of the future
Lecture classPerformance management

The results
Through successful completion of this edition of IHRM SCHOOL, participants should be able to:
- show a basic understanding and knowledge of Leadership and IHRM concepts,
- gain experience in applying IHRM and Leadership knowledge to issues relevant to the international context,
- develop their ability to critically analyze, assess and deal with the managerial and organizational implications of IHRM and Leadership issues, at different levels of analysis,
- use IHRM and Leadership tools and adapt them to the international and cultural context,
- experiment, share, and adapt best practices in terms of IHRM and Leadership.