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Evenimente extracuriculare

Pot schimbările climatice să reprezinte un factor determinant al migrației?

  • Event date: 2025-03-18
  • Data: 18 Martie 2025
  • Ora: 17h00-18h00(EET)
  • Format: Online, via Google Meet (link)  
  • Speaker Invitat: Ecaterina TOMOIAGĂ (FSEGA, Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca, România)
  • Titlul prezentării: Pot schimbările climatice să reprezinte un factor determinant al migrației? O analiză panel pentru Asia
  • Co-autori: Monica Ioana POP SILAGHI (FSEGA, Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai),Valentina Ioana CHEREGI (FSEGA,Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai), Laura Mariana CISMAȘ (FEAA,Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara)
  • Abstract:  Climate change can be a determinant factor when we consider the reasons behind the mobility of the people. In this paper, we aim to shed light upon the connection between climate change and international migration from Asia. This region is one of the most affected across the globe, due to the vulnerability of its inhabitants to climate change driven events, given the geographic
    location combined with economic factors. Therefore, we study international migration of people from 44 Asian countries to 29 OECD destination countries for the period 2000-2020. We employ
    Poisson Pseudo Maximum Likelihood estimator (PPML) with fixed effects and the main specification uses temperature changes as a proxy for climate change. The results show that climate change plays an important role in migration of people from Asia. For robustness checks, we change the proxy for climate change, by using natural disasters and CO2. Results are stable, as we find a significant influence of climate change on migration. Our results highlight the need for policy measures aimed at helping people to adapt to the challenges brought by climate change.