Studii doctorale
Titlul tezei de doctorat
„Decizii de finanțare a companiilor și impactul acestora asupra performanțelor economico financiare”
Domeniul tezei de doctorat
Anul susținerii tezei
Cărți publicate
- „Structura capitalului şi performanţa companiilor listate la Bursa de Valori Bucureşti”. Autor: Vătavu Sorana. Timişoara: Editura Universităţii de Vest, 2015. ISBN 978-973-125-469-2.
Articole publicate
- Vătavu Sorana, Lobonț Oana-Ramona, Para Iulia, Pelin Andrei (2018). Addressing oil price changes through business profitability in oil and gas industry in the United Kingdom. PLOS One, 13(6), ISSN: 1932-6203. Accession number (WOS) - 000435802500044
- Lobonț Oana, Para Iulia, Vătavu Sorana, Jicărean Loredana (2018). Challenges of public sector governance on maximizing citizens welfare, SGEM2018 Conference Proceedings. ISSN 2367-5659.
- Moldovan Nicoleta-Claudia, Vătavu Sorana, Albu Crișan, Stanciu Mandruleanu Cristina, Panait Robert (2016). Corporate Financing Decisions and Performance in Times of Crisis: Threat or Challenges? Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Sudies and Research, 50(2), pp. 59-78. ISSN: 0424-267X. Accession number (WOS) - 000346684700004
- Lobonț Oana-Ramona, Vătavu Sorana, Schank Milena-Jana (2016), The need of youth empowerment through civic education, The Journal Contemporary Economy, 1(1), pag. 22-34. ISSN: 2537-4222
- Vătavu Sorana (2016). Non-linear panel data analysis for capital structure and its impact on profitability. The Review of Finance and Banking, 8(1), pag. 21-36. ISSN: 2067-2713.
- Vătavu Sorana. (2015). Determinants of return on assets in Romania: A principal component analysis. Timisoara Journal of Economics and Business, 8(1), pag. 32-47. ISSN: 2286-0991, ISSN-L 2286-0991.
- Vătavu Sorana. (2014). The determinants of profitability in companies listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange. Annals of the University of Petrosani Economics, 14(1), pag. 329-338. ISSN 1582-5949, E-ISSN 2247-8620.
- Vătavu Sorana. (2013). Determinants of corporate debt ratios: Evidence from manufacturing companies listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange. Timisoara Journal of Economics and Business, 6(20), pag. 99-126. ISSN 2286-0991.
- Vătavu Sorana. (2012). Trade-off versus Pecking order Theory in listed companies around the world. Annals of the University of Petrosani Economics, 12(2), pag. 285-292. ISSN 1582-5949.
- Vătavu Sorana (2013). The influence of capital structure on financial performance: evidence from Romanian manufacturing companies. International Conference - 10th EBES Conference Istanbul, pag. 97-107. ISBN 978-605-64002-1-6.