Studii doctorale
Titlul tezei de doctorat
Decizii şi experienţe ale cumpărătorilor în mediul online
Domeniul tezei de doctorat
Anul susținerii tezei
Cărți publicate
- Costinel Dobre si Anca Milovan, (2019), Marketing online și social media. Călătorie în lumea virtuală a marketingului, C.H. Beck
- Prada, S., Constantin, A.M. (2009), Activitatea de Relaţii publice. Cazuri practice, Editura Muzeului Ţării Crişurilor, ISBN 978-973-7621-17-7
Articole publicate
- LASSAAD GHACHEM, COSTINEL DOBRE, REZA ETEMAD-SAJADI, ANCA- MARIA MILOVAN-CIUTA (2019)The Impact of Cultural Dimensions on the Perceived Risk of Online Shopping, Studia UBB Negotia, DOI:10.24193/subbnegotia.2019.3.01
- Anca Maria Milovan-Ciuta, Vasilica Marinela Ardelean, Sid Ahmed Sahour, Florin Cristian Jurca (2019), THE COUNTRY OF ORIGIN INFLUENCE ON THE DECISION TO BUY WINE. A RESEARCH FRAMEWORK PROPOSAL, Ecoforum Journal
- Maria Petrescu, Costinel Dobre, Anca-Maria Milovan-Ciuta (2018), Social bonds and millennial consumers' activity in social networks, International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising
- Costinel Dobre, Marwa Bezzaouia, Anca-Maria Milovan-Ciuta, Razvan Joanta (2016) Diferentele culturale si motivatiile cumpararii si consumului marcilor de lux/Cultural differences and motivations for the purchase and consumption of luxury brands, Romanian Journal of Marketing
- Costinel Dobre, Anca-Maria Milovan, Cristian Duțu, Gheorghe Preda and Amadea Agapie, The Common Values of Social Media Marketing and Luxury Brands. The Millennials and Generation Z Perspective, în J. Theor. Appl. Electron. Commer. Res. 2021, Vol. 16(7), 2532-2553; WOS:000737562900001
- Petrescu, M., Kitchen, P., Dobre, C., Ben Mrad, S., Milovan-Ciuta, A., Goldring, D. and Fiedler, A. (2022), "Innocent until proven guilty: suspicion of deception in online reviews", European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 56 No. 4, pp. 1184-1209. Accession Number: WOS:000782134700001
- Dobre, C., Milovan, A.-M., Preda, G. and Naghi, R. (2023), "Post-purchase behaviour triggers in branded mobile shopping apps", Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.