Studii doctorale
Titlul tezei de doctorat
Calitatea informațiilor contabile, în contextul adoptării Standardelor Internaționale de Raportare Financiară: studiu empiric la nivelul pieței de capital autohtone, coordonatori: prof. univ. dr. Cotleț Dumitru, prof. univ. dr. Mateș Dorel
Domeniul tezei de doctorat
Anul susținerii tezei
Cărți publicate
- Domil A., Pavel C., Bogdan O., Artene A., Burca V. (2023), Teorie și aplicații, în practica contabilă din Romania, editura Eurostampa, Timisoara
- Burcă V. (2018), Calitatea informațiilor contabile,în contextul adoptării Standardelor Internaționale de Raportare Financiară: studiu empiric la nivelul pieței de capital autohtone, editura Gutenberg, Arad
Articole publicate
- Farcane N., Bunget O.C., Blidisel R., Dumitrescu A.C., Deliu D., Bogdan O., Burcă V. (2023), Auditors’ perceptions on work adaptability in remote audit: a COVID-19 perspective, Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja, 36 (1): 422-459
- Bobitan N., Dumitrescu D., Burcă V. (2023), Agriculture’s Efficiency in the Context of Sustainable Agriculture—A Benchmarking Analysis of Financial Performance with Data Envelopment Analysis and Malmquist Index, Sustainability, 15 (16): 12169
- Sarfraz M., Ivascu L., Artene A.E., Bobitan N., Dumitrescu D., Bogdan O., Burcă V. (2023), The relationship between firms’ financial performance and performance measures of circular economy sustainability: an investigation of the G7 countries, Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 36 (1): 2101019
- Lungu C., Burcă V., Bunget O.C., Dumitrescu A.C. (2023), The Association between Audit Quality and Corporate Tax Avoidance. A Bibliometric Review of Literature and Early Evidence on the European Union, from the Perspective of Tax-Related Key Audit Matters Disclosure
- Burcă V., Bogdan O., Domil A., Pavel C., Artene A. (2023), Insights on the main drivers of business resilience, on the context of global crisis - a survival analysis model perspective within ex-communist European economies, Economic and Social Development: Book of Proceedings, pp. 265-276
- Burcă V., Popa A.F., Sahlian D.N., Trasca D.L., Bobitan N. (2022), Modelling the Impact of Earnings Management on the Probability of Financial Statements Fraud, Engineering Economics, 33 (5): 521 - 539
- Artene A.E., Cioca L.I., Domil A.E., Ivascu L., Burcă V., Bogdan O. (2022), The Macroeconomic Implications of the Transition of the Forestry Industry towards Bioeconomy, Forests, 13 (11), 1961
- Ivascu L., Domil A.E., Sarfraz M., Bogdan O., Burcă V., Pavel C. (2022), New insights into corporate sustainability, environmental management and corporate financial performance in European Union: an application of VAR and Granger causality approach, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29 (55): 82827-82843
- Bostan I., Bunget O.C., Dumitrescu A.C., Domil A.E., Mates D., Bogdan O., Burcă V. (2022), Corporate disclosures in pandemic times. The annual and interim reports case, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 58 (10): 2910-2926
- Bunget O.C., Mates D., Dumitrescu A.C., Bogdan O., Burcă V. (2021), The link between board Structure, audit, and performance for corporate sustainability, sustainability, 12 (20): 8408